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Hello and welcome to my new TTDGraphics site. Here you can find all sorts of Graphics for TTD and some for locomotion or OpenTTD. But first let me tell you something about me. I'm Marcel Koonstra from Zwaagwesteinde, which is somewhere in Holland. My MSN is marcel[at]afentoe[dot]nl for those interested, my mail can be found on the same adress.

Now about the Graphics. These Graphics are all made for anyone to download, they are free to use. Please do not change them, or post them again elsewhere, without the permission of the author. It is offcourse always allowed to have a changed graphic for yourselve.

Please bear in mind that this version of TTDGraphics (Hosted is a test version, this means everything is still being developed! Therefore I cannot guarantee everything will work correct.

Simple search

NEW! Graphic search. Enter your graphic search string here:
* = wildcard (0,1 or more characters), ? = wildcard (1 characters). Sample: %set

Title: Almost finished
Date: 2005-08-28
More than 6 months have passed and finaly it is almost finished, tomorrow or tuesday the site will go live! I decided to push it becouse FLAME was down and it meant a load of downtime for you. So now all is hopefully fixed. The usable version of the site will be online tomorrow, the inserting/editing will have to wait a little longer while it is still being tested.

Title: Rebuilding website
Date: 2004-12-06
I am pleased to inform you there are going to be a few changes around here, what I had in mind van be read: Please hold the line, heheh